Current News

December 10, 2024

Finding lasting friendships at CHEPS

Jill, Goretti, and Nikki cheering the Wolverines to victory against Michigan State.

“When I first got offered the job at CHEPS, I was like any other 19-year-old girl going into her first job…anxious about making friends and doing good work. Little did I know that I was about to be given the most amazing team that I now consider lifelong friends.”

September 20, 2024

Dr. Andrew Fine leads brainstorming discussion to provide care for teens in crisis

Andrew Fine presents to a classroom full of seminar attendees.

On September 16, a diverse group from across U-M and beyond gathered to discuss innovative ways to enhance emergency care for youth experiencing mental health crises.

September 19, 2024

Exploring generative AI in healthcare

Exploring generative AI in healthcare

“On September 13, I had a chance to attend the e-HAIL (E-Health and Artificial Intelligence) Symposium, which provided me the opportunity to learn more about generative AI in healthcare through a variety of engaging presentations.”

September 16, 2024

Making strides during National Sickle Cell Awareness Month

Making strides during National Sickle Cell Awareness Month

On Saturday, September 14, CHEPSters visited Detroit’s Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History to raise awareness and funds for the 2024 Sickle Cell Matters Walk, sponsored by the Sickle Cell Disease Association of America.

September 10, 2024

CHEPS Fall 2024 Seminar Series kicks off

Amy Cohn wewaring a blue blouse and presenting in front of a small lecture hall, gesturing out towards the audience while standing in front of a projected screen reading "Agenda."

The Fall 2024 CHEPS Seminar Series kicked off with a multidisciplinary discussion on improving emergency department operations, emphasizing creativity and patient-centric approaches.

June 20, 2024

CHEPS attends 2024 Juneteenth Celebration

CHEPS attends 2024 Juneteenth Celebration

“I think it is especially critical for those working in healthcare to understand and recognize the importance of Juneteenth, as it highlights how these ongoing patterns of discrimination and health disparities are not ahistorical. Juneteenth serves as a call to action for us to recognize and address the inequities in the American healthcare system that disproportionately impact under-resourced communities.”

June 7, 2024

Integrating public health and engineering for a healthier population

Integrating public health and engineering for a healthier population

“CHEPS provided me with the opportunity to share my knowledge of public health to the Summer ‘24 cohort. I presented to my fellow CHEPSters about the importance of understanding what public health is and how the social determinants of health impact people on an individual and population level.”

May 1, 2024

Transforming systems, students, and snacks: Jared Pavlick’s graduation reflections

Transforming systems, students, and snacks: Jared Pavlick’s graduation reflections

Jared Pavlick graduates May 4th, 2024 with his master’s degree in Industrial and Operations Engineering. After three semesters with CHEPS, Jared reflects on his experiences in an interview with his roommate and fellow graduating CHEPSter, Alexios.

April 29, 2024

Be the match: Kira Woodhouse’s journey to bone marrow donation

Be the Match Article

In celebration of National Donate Life Month, Industrial and Operations Engineering master’s student Kira Woodhouse shares about the process of becoming a living organ donor.

April 12, 2024

Student reflections on U-M’s 2024 Disability Visibility Symposium

Student Reflections on Disability Visibility Symposium Article

On Friday, March 22, five CHEPS students attended the 2024 Disability Visibility Symposium put on by U-M Mechanical Engineering and U-M Computer Science and Engineering.

February 21, 2024

U-M IOE graduate student Cynthia Joy reflects on HSPI 2024

Cynthia Joy Reflects article

“After finishing undergrad, I felt a pang of regret for not writing a paper or attending a conference. But thanks to CHEPS, I finally got to tick those boxes off my student bucket list!”

February 16, 2024

CHEPS student attends LGBTQ+ Health Research Network kickoff

CHEPS student attends LGBTQ+ Health Research Network kickoff article

What better way to celebrate Valentine’s Day than by networking cross-functionally to support LGBTQ+ health research at the University of Michigan?

February 09, 2024

Dancing to the top: Anjali Petrucci’s journey to the Rose Bowl and beyond

Dancing to the top article

Anjali Petrucci, an Industrial and Operations Engineering undergraduate student and CHEPS researcher, recounts the thrills of the Michigan Dance Team’s 2023-2024 season.

December 01, 2023

CHEPS Fall 2023 Seminar Series: Julie Simmons Ivy

Julie Simmons Ivy standing while looking at a presentation

“One of the most interesting things about birth is that there are two patients, and those two patients can be having very different outcomes, and the decisions can impact them differently. There’s not a real metric for how you can combine their utilities.”

November 15, 2023

CHEPS Fall 2023 Seminar Series: Andrew Fine

CHEPS seminar Andrew Fine article

This week, pediatric emergency physician Andrew Fine shared his perspective on using artificial intelligence as a tool to mitigate documentation-related physician burnout.

November 9, 2023

Celebrating Another Year of Healthcare Innovation at 2023 CHEPS Symposium

Clebrating Healthcare innovation article

On Monday, November 6th, the ninth annual Center for Healthcare Engineering & Patient Safety (CHEPS) Symposium brought together students, alumni, faculty, clinicians, and community members to celebrate another year of multidisciplinary healthcare innovation.

November 1, 2023

CHEPS Fall 2023 Seminar Series: Alex Peahl and Molly Stout

CHEPS Seminar Peahl and Stout article

Over 80% of maternal deaths in the U.S. are preventable. According to Dr. Alex Peahl and Dr. Molly Stout, tailored prenatal healthcare may be a solution.

October 25, 2023

CHEPS Fall 2023 Seminar Series: Karthik Ramani

CHEPS Seminar Ramani article

Karthik Ramani, Medical Director of Interventional Nephrology and Vascular Access Services at Michigan Medicine, joined CHEPS in a discussion about ways to democratize clinical trials.

October 12, 2023

CHEPS Fall 2023 Seminar Series: Andrew Rosenberg

CHEPS seminar Rosenberg article

“The work that we’ve done was mostly getting the rail gauges correct,” Michigan Medicine’s Chief Information Officer shared, referring to the digitization that occurred largely throughout the 2000s and 2010s in the United States. “Now, the transformation can start—if we can figure out how to change our workflow.”

October 4, 2023

CHEPS Fall 2023 Seminar Series: Julia Kramer

CHEPS seminar Kramer article

Kramer believes the solution lies in rights-based family planning and human-centered design. She seeks a system where rather than feeling neglected and generalized by doctors normalizing the side effects of contraceptive care, they can feel uplifted and listened to by their providers.

October 2, 2023

Alumnus Ryan Chen speaks at IOE 101 Career Seminar Series

Ryan Chen standing in front of an empty whiteboard and smiling with CHEPS Faculty Director Amy Cohn and CHEPS Research Manager Billy Pozehl.

On Friday, September 29th, CHEPS alumnus Ryan Chen participated in U-M’s IOE 101 Career Seminar Series.

September 26, 2023

CHEPS Fall 2023 Seminar Series: Sung Won Choi and Jodyn Platt

CHEPS Seminar Choi and Platt article

On Monday, September 25th, the Center for Healthcare Engineering & Patient Safety (CHEPS) partnered with Sung Won Choi, MD, MS and Jodyn Platt, MPH to discuss the intricacies of informed consent within the bone marrow transplantation process.

September 19, 2023

CHEPS Fall 2023 Seminar Series: Max Li and Dana Habers

CHEPS Seminar Li and Habers article

This week at the Providing Better Healthcare Through Systems Engineering Seminar Series, students, staff, faculty, clinicians, and community members had the opportunity to discuss the intersection of two distinct industries: pharmaceuticals and aerospace.

September 14, 2023

CHEPS Fall 2023 Seminar Series: Alexander T. Janke

CHEPS seminar Janke seminar

This week we spoke with Dr. Alexander T. Janke, Emergency Physician, during a session titled Reducing Emergency Department ‘Left-Without-Being-Seen’ Rates.”

September 13, 2023

Cole Weber, Biomedical Engineering Undergraduate

Cole Weber undergraduate article

“I’m always amazed at our progression in health and medicine and how many lives it has saved. This interest and amazement only furthered as years progressed, and my sisters, mother, and I had different health issues that were all managed and aided by medicine and the research behind it.”

September 7, 2023

Summer Moments at CHEPS

Summer moments at CHEPS article

“Looking back at my time at CHEPS this past summer, all of the memories swirl in my head: my handwriting on the whiteboards for the optimization model, meetings with collaborators, lunch and learns…but there are a few special moments that I’ll cherish most of all…”

August 22, 2023

University of Michigan’s Amy Cohn identified as top Chief Transformation Officer

Amy Cohn top Chief Transformation Officer article

According to Becker’s Hospital Review, Center for Healthcare Engineering & Patient Safety (CHEPS) Faculty Director Amy Cohn is one of 49 chief transformation officers to know in 2023.

August 8, 2023

CHEPS Takes Toronto: Aparna Reddy’s Experience at the 2023 INFORMS Healthcare Conference

CHEPS takes Toronto article

“As an aspiring physician, this conference was an incredible opportunity to learn about the different initiatives to improve the efficiency of our healthcare system.”

August 4, 2023

From Healthcare Novice to Healthcare Innovator

Healthcare novice to innovator article

“Beyond my passion for coding, it was important for me to find a way to create a meaningful impact. And what better way to do that than to harness my engineering skills to make improvements in healthcare?” Maddy Heyer, a Computer Science and Engineering student at U-M, shares what she’s learned from her summer at CHEPS.

August 1, 2023

CHEPS alumnus publishes ureteroscopy irrigation research

Bassel Salka

CHEPS alumus and fourth-year medical school student Bassel Salka recently published a research article on irrigation practices during ureteroscopy (the process of looking into the ureters and kidneys using a camera) in Thereapeutic Advances in Urology.

July 18, 2023

Shun Akiyama, Computer Science Undergraduate

Shun Akiyama undergraduate article

“My experience at CHEPS gives me context for how computer science skills are applied in the real world.”

July 12, 2023

A Personal Connection Between Engineering Mindsets and the Work Done at CHEPS

A young Hannah getting a cast removed while wearing over-ear headphones and being held by her mother.

Hannah Eller, a Biomedical Engineering student at U-M, shares her experiences working to improve healthcare quality as a CHEPS researcher.

July 5, 2023

CHEPS: Where Engineering and Healthcare Overlap

Josh holding a peace sign to the camera while wearing a paper mask and scrubs.

Josh Tran, a pre-med student at U-M, shares his experiences as a transfer student, healthcare worker, and CHEPS researcher.

June 23, 2023

More Than Patient Care: Engineering’s Role in Medicine

Headshot of Arman Getzen.

“Working at CHEPS has given me a clearer understanding of how the needs of patients extend beyond the care of a provider or a biomedical device.”

June 13, 2023

Setting the Stage: A Different Approach to Healthcare

On the left, Chidimma wearing scrubs. On the right, Chidimma sitting at a laptop with another CHEPS student.

Chidimma Udegbunam, a pre-med student at U-M, shares her experience working both as a Certified Nurse Assistant and a healthcare researcher.

June 7, 2023

Leena Ghrayeb receives Fulbright U.S. Student Award for 2023-2024

Leena Ghrayeb award article

The Center for Healthcare Engineering & Patient Safety (CHEPS) is excited to share that University of Michigan Industrial and Operations Engineering PhD student Leena Ghrayeb has received a Fulbright U.S. Student Program award in Engineering to Jordan for the 2023-2024 academic year from the U.S. Department of State and the Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board.

May 19, 2023

Small World After All

Sogand Soghrati and Hooman Niktafar smiling at the camera while standing in front of a whiteboard with writing on it.

“Maybe I met him when I was a kid and we’ve known each other all along,” shares PhD student Sogand Soghrati, having learned that she and Software Manager Hooman Niktafar come from not only the same town in Iran, but the same neighborhood!

April 20, 2023

A Culture of Support: Interviewing CHEPSter TJ Bryan

TJ Bryan interview article

IOE senior TJ Bryan reflects on his meaningful time at CHEPS.

April 7, 2023

New Buddy? No Problem!

Statistics graduate student Yuanbo (left) smiles at Starbucks with Public Health undergraduate students Aparna (middle) and Andrea.

“Being a newbie in a research group of a couple dozen, it was definitely intimidating—especially feeling like I wasn’t smart enough or that I wouldn’t be able to contribute in a meaningful way,” staff member Fumiya Abe-Nornes shared. “But having my buddy, Justin, helped a lot.”

February 20, 2023

CHEPSters raise funds for Turkish and Syrian earthquake disaster relief

On February 6, 2023, Turkey and Syria were struck with a 7.8 earthquake taking tens of thousands of lives and causing over US$84.1 billion in damage. As a contribution to the disaster relief, the Cohn family quickly took action to collect donations from the CHEPS community, matching each donation times 5. Thanks to the amazing generosity of the community, and a few of Dr. Cohn’s IOE310 students, CHEPS was able to raise a $3,000 donation by February 11th!

Fumiya Abe-Nornes, Nathan Smith, and Rachel Zhang standing on a bridge next to a statue of a sea lion spouting water

In December of 2022, Center for Healthcare Engineering and Patient Safety (CHEPS) staff member Fumiya Abe-Nornes and students Rachel Zhang and Nathan Smith got to experience their dream as research assistants: Presenting at an international conference on their work.