CHEPS Fall 2023 Seminar Series: Alex Peahl and Molly Stout

Stout (left) and Peahl.

On October 30th, the Providing Better Healthcare through Systems Engineering seminar series had the privilege of hosting two distinguished speakers, Molly Stout, MD, MS and Alex Peahl, MD, MSc, who shed light on a critical topic: “Improving Access and Overcoming Barriers to Maternal Care Services.”

As a physician-scientist, Division Director of Maternal Fetal Medicine, and Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at U-M, Stout shows great passion for optimizing prenatal care with an emphasis on those who need it most. Stout’s work is driven by a dedication to ensuring the well-being of birthing people and infants with the ultimate goal of making prenatal care accessible and effective for everyone. Continue Reading »

Cole Weber, Biomedical Engineering Undergraduate

Cole Weber, a Biomedical Engineering student at U-M, muses on his motivation for working in healthcare, remaining true to himself, and the power of parental support.

At birth, I almost killed my mom. During the fifty-six hour labor in a Wisconsin blizzard (once again, sorry Mom), she started to hemorrhage to the point where the doctor was flabbergasted she was still awake. If you know my mom, you wouldn’t be surprised. However, through medical intervention, my mom was okay, and her first child—a beautiful baby boy, I may humbly add—was born.

Baby Cole with his mom.

After a doctor in training was thrown to the floor because they tried to turn my neck the wrong way, almost killing me, my mom started to notice that I wasn’t breathing correctly. Continue Reading »

Summer Moments at CHEPS

Yueyun Xia, an Industrial and Operations Engineering student at U-M, reflects on her summer at CHEPS.

Looking back at my time at CHEPS this past summer, all of the memories swirl in my head: my handwriting on the whiteboards for the optimization model, meetings with collaborators, lunch and learns…but there are a few special moments that I’ll cherish most of all.

Amy’s chocolate

Professor Amy Cohn is one of the biggest reasons I joined CHEPS. She (and the sense of community she helps create) is my everyday motivation for work. We are encouraged to share our knowledge, collaborate between project teams, and explore new things. Continue Reading »

CHEPS Takes Toronto: Aparna Reddy’s Experience at the 2023 INFORMS Healthcare Conference

Aparna Reddy, a Public Health student at U-M, reflects on her experience traveling to Toronto, Canada to present her CHEPS research at the 2023 INFORMS Healthcare Conference.

Aparna smiling and looking slightly upwards while typing on a laptop.

My name is Aparna Reddy, and I am a rising senior at the University of Michigan School of Public Health. Last month I had the opportunity to attend the 2023 INFORMS Healthcare Conference in Toronto, Canada, where I presented our work at CHEPS in a talk called “Modeling Resource Needs for Screening and Specialty Care in the U.S. Veterans Healthcare System.”

INFORMS (the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences) is an international professional organization for practitioners in the field of operations research. Continue Reading »

From Healthcare Novice to Healthcare Innovator

Maddy Heyer, a Computer Science and Engineering student at U-M, shares about what she has learned from her summer at CHEPS.

Maddy Heyer smiles while using a computer beside another CHEPS student.

“We had a young patient in critical condition today, but thankfully we got them stabilized.”

“Creating this month’s schedule was such a headache.”

“My feet are already aching and I have two more twelves this week!”

With aunts and cousins who are all nurses, hospital stories have been a constant topic of discussion during our family gatherings. Just a few months ago when they asked about my summer plans, I told them I would be working at the Center for Healthcare Engineering & Patient Safety (CHEPS). Continue Reading »

Shun Akiyama, Computer Science Undergraduate

Shun Akiyama, a Computer Science and Engineering student at U-M, reflects on his summer at CHEPS.

How’d you get involved in the Center for Healthcare Engineering & Patient Safety (CHEPS)?
While I was looking for what I was going to do during the summer, I found CHEPS on an email from the College of Engineering. I have studied Computer Science and Engineering, but I didn’t have many opportunities to apply what I had learned to real world problems. Since I was interested in healthcare, I thought it would be a great chance to learn healthcare as well as gain real-world experience.
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A Personal Connection Between Engineering Mindsets and the Work Done at CHEPS

Hannah Eller, a Biomedical Engineering student at U-M, shares her experiences working to improve healthcare quality as a CHEPS researcher.

When I was a junior in high school, my grandmother was hospitalized for a transient ischemic attack, more commonly known as a mini-stroke. As someone without a big family history of strokes, her care team was concerned over the rhythms in her heart. Because of this, she had a surgically implanted device called a loop recorder that would measure her heart rhythms and report them to a small device that would sit next to her bed. I had never seen or heard of anything like this little device. Continue Reading »

CHEPS: Where Engineering and Healthcare Overlap

Josh Tran, a pre-med student at U-M, shares his experiences as a transfer student, healthcare worker, and CHEPS researcher.

Blue-tinted photo of Josh Tran smiling at a laptop beside another CHEPS student.

When I transferred to the University of Michigan less than a year ago, it felt as if I had jumped headfirst into the middle of a new book. I arrived at U-M halfway through my sophomore year, and my peers had already found their friend groups through the dorms and their student organizations. Meanwhile, I felt like a freshman again stumbling through the unfamiliar campus. While I was trying to adapt socially, I also had to adapt academically: being a pre-med student, I had to balance finding new friends while also taking some of the hardest classes (so far!) Continue Reading »

More Than Patient Care: Engineering’s Role in Medicine

Arman Getzen, a pre-med student at U-M, shares his experience learning about the complex processes required in order to optimize healthcare operations.

A man in the black shirt smiling

Growing up, I always knew I wanted to pursue a career in medicine. When I was little, my dad would bring me to the hospital where he practiced, and I remember wandering around the unit floor and being fascinated by all the specialized equipment and nurses walking around in their scrubs. I was interested in the providers’ many responsibilities and how the medical devices they used to treat patients worked. I decided early on that my goal was to become a physician, so I started college on a pre-medical track with a major in Biomedical Engineering Continue Reading »