Seminars are 4:30 to 6:30PM in 1123 LBME.
September 14
“An Innovative Framework to Improve Efficiency of Interhospital Transfer of Children in Respiratory Failure” [Event Flyer]
Mariel Lavieri, PhD U-M, IOE
September 21
“Lessons from Implementation Science– Applications to Safety and Quality in Health Care ” [Event Flyer]
Anne Sales, PhD, RN U-M, School of Nursing
September 28
3rd Annual Symposium on Healthcare Engineering and Patient Safety, 5-7:30PM *time change! [Event Flyer]
NCRC Dining Hall, Building 18 2800 Plymouth Rd *place change!
October 5
“Hospital Inventory Management – New Trends in Healthcare ” [Event Flyer] [Talk Slides]
Claudia Rosales, PhD MSU and Eli Broad CoB, SCM
October 12
“Weathering the Chikungunya Storm: Arbovirus Risk in Texas ” [Event Flyer]
Nedialko B. Dimitrov , PhD U of T-Austin, OR&IE
October 26
“Learning Treatment Policies in Mobile Health” [Event Flyer]
Susan Murphy, PhD U-M, Statistics, Psychiatry, ISR
November 9
“Team Based Improvement for Patients Undergoing Cystectomy for Bladder Cancer at UMHS” [Event Flyer]
Alon Z. Weizer, MD, MS UMHS, Urology
November 16
“OR in the OR (and Beyond) at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH)” [Event Flyer]
Bethany Daily, MHA, MGH and Cecilia Zenteno, PhD, MGH
November 23
“Machine Learning for Data-Driven Healthcare” [Event Flyer]
Jenna Wiens, PhD U-M, CSE, MLD3
November 30
“Using Optimization to Assist in Surgical Nurse Scheduling” [Event Flyer]
Mark Daskin, PhD U-M, IOE Chair and Kayse Maass, PhD candidate, IOE
December 7
“A Data-driven Optimization Approach for Designing Shift Templates in Emergency Departments” [Event Flyer]
Mustafa Y. Sir , PhD Mayo Clinic
December 14
“Going Beyond RCA to Effect Real Improvement and Impact Safety Culture” [Event Flyer]
James P. Bagian, MD, PE U-M, CHEPS
Please note on location: 1123 LBME is room 1123 in the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Biomedical Engineering Building (LBME).
Street address is 1101 Beal Avenue, link to map and directions:
There will be no seminars on the Mondays of October 19 and November 2.
For additional information and to be added to the weekly e-mail for the series, please contact [email protected].