One challenge regularly faced by the medical community is fulfilling certification requirements for residents and fellows. The Procedure Simulator is a tool for assessing a surgical program’s ability to adequately train their fellows and residents based on specific requirements and constraints. These factors may come from governing bodies, such as the American Council of Graduate Medical Education, or from the reality of available cases for the trainees to handle.
By setting how often cases arrive, how many people are in the training program, what their certification requirements are, and how long to run the simulator for, the user can evaluate how likely it is for the individuals to meet the certification requirements in the allotted time. The simulator enables users to look at the outcomes of one or multiple repetitions, providing illustrative and meaningful results. Plans for future improvements include the addition of seasonality to procedure interarrival times, equity statistics, and more ways to determine procedure arrivals and assign them to fellows.
Procedure Simulator: Click Here to Download