Faculty/Clinicians/Staff: Amy Cohn, Mark Daskin, William Pozehl, Rishindra Reddy, F. Jacob Seagull
Students: Tiffany Ballard, Emily Burns, Ajaay Chandrasekaran, Ryan Chen, Zixiao Chen, Jennifer Chung, Aaron Cohen, Hussein Fardous, Tyler Grenda, Anurag Gulati, Autumn Heiney, Emma Hyde, Nate Janes, Mohammad Ali Jardaly, Leslie Korson, Wandi Lin, Boying Liu, Justin Moss, Andrea Obi, Asher Perlmutter, William Pozehl, Donald Richardson, Roshun Sankaran, Sumaiya Sarwar, Brendan Schultz, Siyuan Sun, Brooke Szymanski, Xun Xu, Megan Yanik, Yicong Zhang
Project Contact: [email protected]
Project Synopsis:
The Simulation Tool for Evaluating Random Educational Opportunities (STEREO) provides a simple and visual way to demonstrate how random events (e.g. surgical transplant opportunities) interact with fixed schedules (e.g. the rotating call schedule of medical residents) in sometimes counter-intuitive ways. The tool was originally designed to understand why a cardiothoracic department averaging forty transplants per year was struggling to achieve ten transplant training opportunities for each of their four fellows. It has been expanded to allow a variety of program directors to enter their own data, assess the likelihood of meeting different types of training requirements under varying program characteristics, and conduct “what-if” analyses. More broadly, STEREO can also be used by educators in both technical and non-technical fields to demonstrate and explore the impact of uncertainty on real-world problems.
STEREO: Simulation Tool for Evaluating Random Educational Opportunities
Papers, Posters, & Presentations:
- “Computer Modeling to Evaluate the Impact of Technology Changes on Resident Procedural Volume.” Grenda, T., Ballard, T., Obi, T., Pozehl, W., Seagull, F.J., Chen, R., Cohn, A., Daskin, M., and Reddy, R. Journal of Graduate Medical Education 8 (5): pp. 713-718, December 2016
- “Achieving Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education Duty Hours Compliance within Advanced Surgical Training: A Simulation-Based Feasibility Assessment.” Obi, A., Chung, J., Chen, R., Lin, W., Sun, S., Pozehl, W., Cohn, A., Daskin, M., Seagull, J., Reddy, R. The American Journal of Surgery 210 (5): pp. 947-950. November 2015.
- “ACGME Case Requirements for General Surgeons in Plastic Surgery: Evaluation fo Current Operative Volume on Resident Completion of Index Cases.” Thomas, T., Reddy, R., Ballard, T., Pozehl, W., Cohn, A., Erlich, P. Journal of the American College of Surgeons 224 (4): pp S48, October 2015.
- “Innovative Scheduling Solutions for Graduate Medical Education.” Ballard, T., Grenda, T., Cohn, A., Daskin, M., Seagull, F.J., Reddy, R. Journal of Graduate Medical Education 7 (2): pp. 169-170, June 2015.
- “Estimating Minimum Program Volume Needed to Train Surgeons: When 4 x 15 Really Equals 90.”Chung, A. Obi, R. Chen, W. Lin, S. Sun, Z. Chen, A. Gulati, X. Xu, W. Pozehl, F.J. Seagull, A. Cohn, M. Daskin, and R. Reddy. Journal of Surgical Education72 (1): pp. 61–67, January 2015.
- “Use of Simulation to Assess Surgical Training Opportunities.” CHEPS Symposium, Ann Arbor MI, October 2014.
- “A Simulation-Based Tool to Improve Matching of Fellows to Surgical Training Opportunities.” Healthcare Systems Process Improvement Conference, Orlando FL, February 2014.
- “Scheduling Fellows for Cardiothroacic Transplant Surgery.” CHEPS Symposium, Ann Arbor MI, November 2013.
- “Scheduling Surgical Fellows to Achieve Adequate Training on Procedures with Random Occurrences: An Evaluation.” University of Michigan Engineering Graduate Symposium, Ann Arbor MI, November 2013.
- “Scheduling Fellows to Achieve Adequate Training on Procedures with Random Occurrences.” University of Michigan Medical Education Day, Ann Arbor MI, June 2013.
- “Evaluating and Analyzing Conflicts between ACGME Restrictions and Adequate Training Opportunities for Transplant Surgery.” Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care, Baltimore MD, March 2012.
- “Using Simulation to Show the Impact of Variability on Training Transplant Surgeons.” Healthcare Systems Process Improvement Conference, Orlando FL, February 2015.
- “Linear Programming Tools for Scheduling Trainees in Healthcare.” National Center for Integrative Biomedical Informatics (NCIBI) Tools & Technology Seminar Series, January 2015
- “Using Computerized Simulation to Improve the Assigning of Surgical Residents to Training Opportunities.” Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference, Montreal Canada, June 2014.
- “Improving Resident Rotation Scheduling to Maximize Training Opportunities.” MCubed Symposium, Ann Arbor MI, November 2013.
- “Scheduling Residents to Achieve Adequate Training on Procedures with Random Occurrences.” INFORMS Annual Meeting, Minneapolis MN, November 2013.
- “Scheduling Fellows for Cardiothoracic Transplant Surgery Short Talk.” CHEPS Symposium, Ann Arbor MI, November 2013.
- “Training Residents: Reconciling Scheduled Work Hours with Random Opportunities to Perform Rare Procedures.” EURO INFORMS, Rome Italy, July 2013.
- “Scheduling Residents to Achieve Adequate Training on Procedures with Random Occurrences.” INFORMS Healthcare Conference, Chicago IL, June 2013.
- “Challenges in Training Cardio Thoracic Transplant Surgeons.” INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix AZ, October 2012.