In This Issue
Message from Associate Director Amy Cohn
Recent News
Where in the World is CHEPS?
Message from Associate Director Amy Cohn
Dear Friends of CHEPS,
It’s hard to believe we’re over halfway through the summer at CHEPS. The new students are no longer new – they know where the coffee is and they’ve even started some of their own traditions. And, we have two new doctors in the house! Dr. Donald Richardson and Dr. Karmel Shehadeh both successfully defended their PhDs this summer. I couldn’t be more proud of them and their accomplishments! We’ve also been able to wrap up several projects while ramping up some new ones, keeping us all wonderfully busy. Right now, several students and I are preparing to present our work at the INFORMS Healthcare Conference in Cambridge Massachusetts at the end of this month.
It’s been rewarding to see our students, not only learning new things and doing excellent work but having fun while doing so and building great relationships with one another. This summer they’ve gone on weekend trips to Detroit as well as Huron River tubing together and they’ve played after work volleyball tournaments amongst themselves and with other labs and programs, like MLD3 and M-STEM.
Things have been running so smoothly that I felt comfortable leaving the office for two weeks to travel to Ireland. I spent the first week in Dublin at EURO 2019, the 30th European Conference on Operational Research. I heard many informative healthcare talks and brought plenty of new ideas back to CHEPS as a result. In particular, I valued the international perspective on the similarities and differences between healthcare systems in each of our home countries.
A highlight of the conference was the educational session in which I had the chance to present about CHEPS and how we use our work in provider scheduling to provide experiential learning experiences to students. I heard extremely positive feedback from many people who were eager to recreate what we’re doing at CHEPS at their home institutions.
Through my emails with students and viewing what everyone was up to via the CHEPS Twitter, I could see that CHEPSters were hard at work while I was away! Knowing that, I could happily take a week after the conference to enjoy time with my family. I had the opportunity to explore my ancestral homeland with my mother and even met a long-lost third cousin! In addition, my sons and husband were delighted to visit and take photos at the Cliffs of Dragonstone and other Game of Thrones filming locations.
Finally, while hiking Croagh Patrick with my older son, we happened to run into Sunrise Up Croagh Patrick. They’re a group of friends who get together and hike once a year to raise funds for charities that support patients with neurological conditions and their families. It was particularly interesting to speak with them because their work is on improving access to care for patients with these diseases. I learned about their work and talked to them about the access to care work we do at CHEPS.
After a fantastic trip, it was nice to return home and to CHEPS and catch up on all of the wonderful things the students had accomplished while I was gone. Check out our news item highlights below to see a little bit of what they’ve been up to. I returned from my trip feeling rejuvenated and hear from many of our students that they feel the same after having a short break with family and/or friends over the 4th of July weekend. It’s good that we’re all rested because we have a great deal of exciting work to do for the remainder of the summer!
Amy Cohn,
CHEPS Associate Director
Recent News
- Luke DeRoos Lunch and Learn on Organ Transplant, 7/12/19
- M-Safety Displays Go Live, 7/12/19
- Karmel Shehadeh PhD Defense, 7/10/19
- Volleyball Tournament with MLD3 and M-STEM, 7/9/19
- Jenna Wiens Named Co-Director of Precision Health, 7/8/19
- Tubing on the Huron River, 7/7/19
- Theodore Endresen Lunch and Learn on Bears, 7/3/19
- Video Game Tournament, 6/27/19
- Julia Warner Lunch and Learn on Effective Meetings, 6/21/19
- CHEPS Visits Ann Arbor Summer Festival, 6/19/19
- Donald Richardson PhD Defense, 6/19/19
- Jim Bagian Lunch and Learn on Shuttle Investigations, 6/18/19
- Jim Bagian Lunch and Learn on Risk, Professionalism, and Ethics, 6/14/19
Where in the World is CHEPS?
Adam is pictured after climbing 4,444 stairs in Flørli, Norway, so he could finally get cold enough weather to wear his CHEPS fleece. The view may have been part of the draw as well.
See more Where in the World is CHEPS at our website.
Center for Healthcare Engineering & Patient Safety | University of Michigan
[email protected] |