Ziqi Wang, IOE/HEPS Master’s Student
Hi! My name is Ziqi and I am going into my second year of the Healthcare Engineering and Patient Safety (HEPS) concentration in the Industrial and Operations Engineering (IOE) master’s program. I’ve been working at CHEPS since I started my master’s study here, almost one year now. During my time at CHEPS, I have worked…
Carolyn Wu, Informatics Undergraduate
Hi! My name is Carolyn and I’m going to be a senior in the fall studying Informatics. Although my goal is to go into public health, I wanted to spend my undergrad studying statistics and engineering to apply to my future career. On my first day at CHEPS, I immediately noticed how welcoming Amy and…
Kristine Wang, 2020 Computer Science B.S.
My name is Kristine Wang and I just graduated this May with a bachelor’s in computer science. Wow, that feels a little bit weird to say. I’ve been working at CHEPS since the summer after my sophomore year and now through my senior year. Since that time, I have been on a wide array of…
Nicholas Zacharek, Industrial & Operations Engineering Undergraduate
My name is Nick and I am an incoming junior studying Industrial and Operations Engineering (IOE). During my time at CHEPS, I have worked on a variety of projects ranging from simulation, provider scheduling, and data analytics. Being part of the CHEPS family has been the most meaningful experience I have had at Michigan–academically, professionally,…
Matt See, 2020 Chemistry B.S.
Name? Year? Program? Where are you from? Are you new to CHEPS? And a boring or interesting fact about yourself. My name is Matt. I am a recent graduate of U of M. I come from Ann Arbor, MI. I am not new to CHEPS and I am right-handed. (I had to go with the…